I chat with Sarah Hoger about the lessons she has learned in her 6 years of business. We also have a really great conversation around having faith and trusting God with our businesses. Sarah shares some phenomenal advice for women who are feeling a little stuck or considering a pivot in their business.
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I believe goals are so much more than wishes. Goals have purpose. In this episode I share all about HOW you can set strategic goals for the new year!
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Pricing is often very underestimated in the world of entrepreneurship. Contrary to popular belief, pricing is way more than just coming up with a random number and slapping it on your product or service and calling it a day. I interviewed pricing expert, Courtney Deagon, all about the art of strategically pricing your services for creative businesses.
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I’m sharing my heart with you as I reflect on 2020. What worked, what didn’t work, and what I hope to take into 2021. I hope this episode encourages you to take some time to reflect on your year.
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I believe goals are so much more than wishes. Goals have purpose. In this episode I share all about HOW you can set strategic goals for the new year!
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