I believe goals are so much more than wishes. Goals have purpose. In this episode I share all about HOW you can set strategic goals for the new year!
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Pricing is often very underestimated in the world of entrepreneurship. Contrary to popular belief, pricing is way more than just coming up with a random number and slapping it on your product or service and calling it a day. I interviewed pricing expert, Courtney Deagon, all about the art of strategically pricing your services for creative businesses.
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I believe goals are so much more than wishes. Goals have purpose. In this episode I share all about HOW you can set strategic goals for the new year!
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People buy from people. We’ve heard it before, but what does this actually look like? Our stories are powerful. As creatives, it’s easy to hide behind our art, our photography, our flowers, our offer. What if I told you that as creatives storytelling is one of our strongest superpowers when creating our marketing strategy. This […]
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As a business owner, it’s your responsibility to know what is happening in your business. In this episode I share 5 specific metrics that I believe you should be tracking on a consistent, ongoing basis.
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